Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Scavenger Hunt, Part I: Trump in Pictures

Yesterday, due to the holiday and some technical issues, we announced a scavenger hunt for readers. We weren't sure if folks would be game, but they certainly were, as we got a large volume of submissions.

As is often the case, we don't want to overdo with too much of a good thing (especially when images are involved, since too many of those can really slow down a computer or a phone). So today, we're going to run responses to this question:

  1. The single photograph or image that best encapsulates the Trump presidency.

We'll run the rest over the course of the next week or so. That means that, if you wish, there's still time to get in on these seven items:

  1. Something that would make a terrible Christmas gift for Joe Biden. (Submit here)
  2. A book that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would never, ever read. (Submit here)
  3. A t-shirt that would be very apropos for Chief Justice John Roberts to wear. (Submit here)
  4. The wisest, most insightful, or most pithy quote ever to be uttered by a politician or political figure (need not be limited to Americans). (Submit here)
  5. The worst bumper sticker, button, yard sign or other campaign-related ephemera in U.S. history. (Submit here)
  6. A portrayal of a key figure in U.S. history—image, song, verse, book, etc.—that is even more ridiculous than Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. (Submit here)
  7. This isn't exactly a scavenger hunt type question, but we're going with it anyhow. Finish this joke: "Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar..." (Submit here)

And away we go. There were a lot of good suggestions, and some very... iconic (?) photos had to be excluded to keep it to ten. So much for the holding the Bible picture, "I Don't Care, Do U?," Angela Merkel glaring at Trump, the toilet paper stuck to the shoe, etc.

S.S. in San Francisco, CA, writes: It has to be Dr. Deborah Birx's face as Trump recommends light and bleach to treat COVID.

Deborah Birx sits about 10 feet from Trump and grimaces as he speaks

Also submitted by: J.B.A. in Vero Beach, FL; S.A. in Santa Clarita, CA

D.S. in Albuquerque, NM, writes: This drawing from his first arraignment reveals his utter contempt for anyone not named Donald J. Trump. But it's nice to see him (finally) cornered like this—not a happy camper. And if there's any justice, it will be followed by a few more courtroom portraits.

A very unflattering courtroom rendering of Trump from Florida

M.U. in Seattle, WA, writes: This is an easy one.

A literal dumpster on fire

Also submitted by: D.E. in Lancaster, PA; J.M. in Philadelphia, PA; P.D.N. in La Mesa, CA; D.B. in Keedysville, MD; J.L. in Los Angeles, CA; S.S. in Fort Collins, CO; B.R.J. in San Diego, CA

M.H. in Washington, DC, writes: To, me this has everything: his extreme gaudiness, the utter unseriousness with which he treated all aspects of his job, his unhealthiness, and his gross s**t-eating grin. Makes me sick looking at it!

Trump's fast food feast for the Alabama Crimson Tide'

Also submitted by: R.K. in Laurel, MD; K.H. in Peachtree City, GA; S.H. in Asheville, NC; G.R. in Carol Stream, IL.

C.D. in Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK, writes: The photo that most encapsulates the Trump presidency was that of a Confederate flag carrier and a caveman who stole law enforcement tools inside the Capitol Building on January 6.

The 1/6 insurrectionists inside the Capitol

T.B. in Brewster, NY, writes: Not sure if it's kismet or almighty algorithm but this photo showed up in my feed after reading your page so I figured I'd share it.

Donald Trump drawing a Sharpie line on the Hurricane Dorian map sums it up pretty well. Professionals spent hundreds of man hours drawing up a sophisticated map using a complex mix of atmospheric information, models, calculations, and historical data to determine the path and severity of the hurricane. However, Trump said something that contradicts this and therefore Trump must reject this reality and substitute his own. In this case, via a poorly drawn line of Sharpie. As with most of his cover ups, it is crudely done, poorly executed, and lacks any credibility. Also it's entirely self inflicted and in service solely of his ego. It's far from his most damaging action, but if you wanted an illustration of the Trump administration's M.O. I can think of no clearer illustration.

Trump has altered a hurricane map with a sharpie

Also submitted by: M.B. in San Antonio, TX; W.D. in Houston, TX; C.S. in San Francisco, CA; M.S. in Framingham, MA; A.J. in Baltimore, MD

J.P. in Horsham, PA, writes: I think no image better encapsulates the Trump presidency, than this one, which was taken during the solar eclipse, after he was explicitly warned not to look up at it.

Trump squinting and pointing up at the sky

Also submitted by: M.B. in Menlo Park, CA

H.M. in Tallahassee, FL:

A meme claiming Trump was responsible for 70% of COVID deaths

E.W. in Skaneateles, NY, writes: TFG coming back from a rally looking dejected. He is a loser at his core, one whose money, connections, bravado, and complete lack of ethics has continued to save his ass, until the day (hopefully soon) that they just won't.

Trump looking glum as he exits Air Force One late at night, tie untied

W.F. in Orlando, FL, writes: While most people will probably vote for the picture of the exasperated G7 members trying to explain things to an obstinate Trump, the picture I can't get out of my mind is Trump standing at the dais in Helsinki next to Vladimir Putin, explaining how he found Putin to be equally or more believable than the entire United States intel establishment. For me, that picture explained that Trump was not just a doddering blowhard, but was actually dangerous enough to hand over our nation to its enemies.

Trump and Vlad Putin hold a press conference together

We did our best to credit everyone who should have been credited. If we missed you, however, please do let us know, and we'll rectify it.

The next entry will be Biden gifts! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates