Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part V: Ripped from the Headlines

Time for a couple of submissions that connect clearly with today's news. Taking the lead is P.L. from Morelia, Mexico, who tells us "We are briefly vacationing in southern Italy, at the end of a complicated work trip. And I just discovered that the sonnet form originated in Sicily. So here goes a modest attempt at that poetic form":

If Ramaswamy won the next debate,
Or Haley took control of the newsfeed,
Would MAGA voters promptly decry hate,
And race no longer be part of their creed?

DeSantis' freefall: Will it change his tune?
Or might Chris Christie's stand start gaining ground?
Perhaps the better angels will win soon,
And make the rank and file's hearts come round.

Oh no, my friend, change incites not their passion,
And what we sell the faithful are not buying.
Grievance and intransigence remain their fashion;
Racism and culture wars are yet undying.

Blaming the Other is still the easiest way.
Perhaps just one more loss might make them sway.

And one from A.D. in Los Angeles, CA:

"A dictator, moi?" uttered Don
Doubling down on his favorite con
Just 24 hours
Of absolute powers
And poof, just like that I'll be gone.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. If you have submissions, send them here. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates