Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Eric Adams: Way Down in the Hole

At the moment, the once-warm relationship between Joe Biden and Mayor Eric Adams (D-New York City) has turned chilly. This has something to do with the various acts of corruption Adams has been linked with. The Mayor's habit of openly criticizing the administration, particularly on border policy, has also been unhelpful.

Perhaps they will want to make amends, however, so they can form a support group for politicians with terrible approval ratings. That is because Adams is now deep in the hole, even deeper than Biden is. At the moment, the President is around 38% approval and 55% disapproval, which means he's 17 points underwater. Meanwhile, Adams can only dream of being that popular, as he's at 28% approval and 58% disapproval with New York City voters, putting him a ghastly 30 points underwater.

New Yorkers are kinda famous for turning against their mayors, though they don't normally do it this quickly. We've previously been skeptical that Adams' desire for bigger and better things will ever come to fruition. But now, we are skeptical he can even get reelected as mayor. In fact, he might not even run, unless he really manages to turn things around between now and 2025. If Adams does go one-and-out, he'll be the first NYC mayor to do that since David Dinkins (1990-93). (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates