Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part XIV: Priorities!

Today, a submission from J.L. in Walnut Creek, CA that complements a couple of today's items:

Sick (is the American Electorate)

"I cannot vote for Trump today!"
Said voters in the USA.
"He is a braggart and a bore,
And boasts of things we should abhor.
His skin is orange, his hair is fake,
He pours ketchup on fancy steak.
His science knowledge is defective,
His faulty cures are not protective.
Bleach injections? UV light?
The nation's health he doth benight.
His racist friends are Nazi-like,
His racist words from out the Reich.
He disdains Black people, Chinese, Hispanics,
He only wants the white Germanics.
He wants to make the nation be
A not-so-free autocracy.
With him a king by divine right
Allowed to punish just for spite.
Russian agent, Putin's dog,
Seeks to install our own gulag,
To stash people whose only crime
Is rightly judging him a slime.
And to the law he stands athwart,
He's been indicted in the courts
For stealing many secret docs
And tryin' to cheat the ballot box.
He is the truly worst-est guy!
A creep like him deserves to fry!
His sins are unforgivaable!
What's that? What's that I'm told?
You say Joe Biden is old?
Ok. Trump it is. I'm sold."

Two or three more tomorrow; submissions go here. Or you can just send them to with subject line "December Poetry." (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates