Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Freudenfreude: I'm Dreaming of White Christmas?

Christmas is a couple of days away, and in honor of the occasion, we've decided to run some Christmas letters from over a century ago. It's not an overtly political item, and yet Christmas has become politicized, so we think it is OK to run with it on our politically themed site. And with that out of the way:

Dear Santa Claus, I can't write good enough, so Mamma will write for me. I want a steam engine, a good express wagon, a hobby horse, and a writing desk, some candy. I'll hang my stocking on the bed. You had better bring Mamma and Papa something and little brother a rattle. So goodbye. If you can't bring me all of these things bring me what you can. I live on 394 Moxahala Avenue.

Dear Santa, I am eight years old. I go to the Academy school. My teacher is Miss McFadden. I want a pair of shoes, a gun to shoot rats with, for we have got some, a drum and a wagon, candy and nuts, and bring me everything that is nice. I am an orphan. My papa is dead. I live with my aunt. She will buy me some nice things too. I have got three little brothers. Bring them something, too.

Dear Santa Claus, I want a piano and stool, a blackboard, a little stove, a little wooden bucket, a doll, a set of dishes, a dresser, a little swing like Gertie's, a rocking chair, a little lamp like Gertie's, some picture books, a chain bracelet, a little gold ring, a little tub, a wringer, and a clothes horse, a little parasol, a pair of scissors, a Christmas tree with candles, nuts, bananas, and oranges.

Dear Santa Claus, I thought I would write and tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a pair of side combs, some pink ribbon, and a plaid dress, and I want a big doll, some candy, peanuts, and oranges. Well, goodbye for this time, goodbye till Christmas. I am in the Third reader. I am ten years old.

Dear Santa Claus, I am going to write you a letter to tell you just what I want. I want a doll, a little red rocking chair and some candy, a sack of peanuts, and some bananas. I am three years old.

It's interesting what has changed... and what hasn't. Merry Christmas, all! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates