Dem 51
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GOP 49
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There Are No Secrets When It Comes to President Trump v2.0

Donald Trump has no sense of humor and does not make jokes. When he does seem to be "joking," what he's really doing is floating a trial balloon, so that he can soften things up a bit when he puts controversial stuff out there. More specifically, when he "jokes" that he plans to rule as a dictator on his first day in office, believe him (on the other hand, you should not believe that it will only last one day).

Trump, and his enablers, are serious enough about this that they've already prepped a detailed agenda for the early days and weeks of President Trump v2.0. We've already written a little bit about this, but it's worth repeating:

A lot of these orders are meant to be complementary; for example, staffing the federal government with loyalists will make it much easier to use the bureaucracy to fight the culture wars.

The message, incidentally, is clearly being received. This week, The Daily Mail released the results of an interesting poll in which 1,000 respondents were asked to choose a single word that describes what Joe Biden wants from a second term and what Donald Trump wants from a second term. Here is the word cloud produced from the Biden responses:

The biggest word is 'nothing,' followed by 'economy' and 'peace'

And here is the Trump word cloud:

The biggest word is 'revenge,' followed by 'power' and 'dictatorship'

Neither is optimal for a would-be president, but the Trump cloud is outright scary.

Of course, there's no way to know the partisan ID of the respondents most responsible for "revenge," "power" and "dictatorship" figuring so prominently in Trump's cloud. Maybe it was Democrats and independents, maybe it was Republicans, maybe it was all of the above. In any event, just in case his base hasn't gotten the message, Trump promptly posted his word cloud to his failing boutique social media platform.

In short, we can't say we weren't warned. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates