Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part XVII: It Can Happen Here

Today, just one selection, because it's a pretty long one from P.R.M. in Atlanta, GA:

Lamentations on the Global State of Democracy in 2023 (in the Fashion of Oscar Hammerstein)

Moscow and Tehran and Pyong Yang and Beijing
Putin, the Mullahs, Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jingping
Places where all hope of justice has sailed
Dissents in a coffin that's durably nailed

Bong Bong and Javi and Orban and Modi
Narcissistic bullies enabled by toadies
Each of these risibly wannabe kings
With neo-fascism are having flings

With the courts stacked
With the jails crammed
With the press neutered
They know where to look for their opposition
'cause most of them are interred.

Bibi hates Knesset and Rishi hates Commons
Le Pen and Wilders just throw verbal bombs in
Left to their own the result is not veiled
Crocodile tears when democracy's failed.

Georgia Meloni and Mateusz Morawiecki
Tell us their foes are degenerate sickies
Dreaming of dynasties longer than Mings
They think elections are optional things

Days are too long
Prices too high
People feeling down
The demagogues say that the people at fault
Are people unlike us, brown

And here at home it seems gone are the days
Of Congress locating its own means and ways
Just watch some C-SPAN to blanche and to quail
Then toke on some cable, just do not inhale

Fake news, false outrage, Sean Hannity bristles
Bug-eyed, foam-mouthed Tucker Carlson epistles
Twenty-four-seven all arrows and slings
Loathing and fear from which much profit springs

But if you think
That's all elsewhere
It can't happen here
Remember that Trump's nomination's secure
And pray he's in jail mid-year.

We try to match the day's poem(s) with the day's news items, but tomorrow we may have to put that aside, because we have a group we've been holding onto for 2 weeks and time is running out. In any event, if the muse strikes, send your submissions to (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates