Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Inaugurated

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was sworn in as governor of Arkansas on Tuesday. Her main qualification for the office is that her father once held it. She was also Donald Trump's second press secretary, where she lied with a sweet Southern accent. She is Arkansas' first woman governor.

In her inaugural address, Sanders said she wanted to become Arkansas' education governor. On her first day in office, she signed an executive order banning political indoctrination of Arkansas' school children. She also banned the teaching of critical race theory. In addition, she also froze new government hiring and said she would phase out the state's income tax. She also forbade the use of "Latinx" in government documents. She didn't explain how these things will improve the quality of education in Arkansas.

Actually, Arkansas isn't the worst state in terms of education. It beats Alabama, New Mexico, Louisiana, Alaska, Mississippi, Nevada, and West Virginia. But "We're #42" isn't exactly a rallying cry, especially when there are only 50 entrants in the competition, so there is plenty of room for improvement. Sanders has a direct interest in elementary education: She is mother of a first grader, a third grader, and a fifth grader. (V)

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