Dem 51
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GOP 49
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(Never) Meet the Press?

Last week, The New York Times had an interesting item about Gov. Ron DeSantis' (R-FL) 2024 campaign strategy. Essentially, he wants to run the Donald Trump playbook, doing his campaigning through friendly right-wing media outlets, along with social media platforms. The non-right-wing media will be ignored.

This media strategy is certainly... understandable. It has been a very long time since a politician had as much political skill, and yet as little charisma and telegenicity as DeSantis. He's got something of a thuggish vibe, including beady/squinty eyes. He's also got an unpleasant voice. In other words, Ronald Reagan, he is not. In fact, the politician that DeSantis most brings to mind, when it comes to "presence" (and when it comes to certain other things, as well) is former senator Joseph McCarthy. The two men even look a bit alike:

McCarthy pointing at someone
and DeSantis pointing at someone; they are both rather swarthy and seem to have a perpetual squint

There may be no politician in history for whom television was less friendly than Joseph McCarthy. And DeSantis is not far behind.

That said, we think there are serious problems with DeSantis' strategy, and his plan to run Trump campaign v2.0. Among them:

The executive summary is this: We believe Trump was sui generis, and that nobody will ever get elected running that kind of campaign again. This is not to say that DeSantis can't win in 2024, but he's going to have to develop his own playbook, and one that will work beyond Florida. Thus far, he has not shown that kind of creativity, though the election cycle is still young, we suppose. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates