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This Week in Schadenfreude: Marjorie Taylor Greene vs. the Bidens

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is no longer a member of the Freedom Caucus, but she's still trying her best to be the #1 thorn in the side of Joe Biden. It's not going very well.

We have two bits of news to relate here, and since we just wrote about Hunter Biden, we'll start with the one that involves him. It seems pretty clear to us that the chance to cash in on the First Son's checkered past is slipping through the fingers of the Republican Party. The Republicans seem to have reached that conclusion, too, as they're getting a little desperate in their maneuvering. Chuck Grassley's promulgation of the FD-1023 has the feel of a Hail Mary pass. And that's nothing compared to what Greene came up with.

Since Greene got her committee assignments back, she's been using them to the Nth degree in order to get attention for her... whatever it is she's trying to do. Yesterday, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee was hearing testimony from two whistleblowers who provided the IRS with dirt on Hunter Biden's unpaid taxes, and Greene felt some visual aids were needed. And so, she got out some poster-sized blow-ups of images allegedly taken from Biden's former laptop, showing him in, well, flagrante delicto. Exactly what this was meant to accomplish, we do not know, but it even aggravated the other Republicans in the room. Meanwhile, Greene also sent an e-mail blast to her mailing list containing the images. Oops! That potentially violates revenge-porn laws in both Washington D.C. and Georgia. Also, since Greene does not screen sign-ups for her mailing list by age, it's also very possible she violated Georgia laws against distributing explicit materials to minors. We doubt that the authorities will pursue this, but they could. Further, Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and would have basis for a lawsuit against Greene. As Donald Trump is now learning, you can get away with sleazy behavior for a long time... but eventually people start to call you on it.

Moving on to the news that actually inspired this item, Joe Biden has a new campaign ad, and Greene is the star. We tried to find a non-Twitter copy, but there doesn't seem to be one, so we're going to have to link to the Kingdom of Musk:

I approve this message.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 18, 2023

You really should consider watching the ad, since it's only 30 seconds long. We wrote yesterday about the risks posed by AI, but in this case it wasn't necessary. Biden's team took a real speech by Greene in which she intended to expose the evils of Biden's left-wing agenda, and turned it into a celebration of, well, Biden's left-wing agenda. The ad makes the point that Biden has secured money for infrastructure, the environment, etc., that he's continuing the work of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, and that he has plans to do more.

Truth be told, it's really quite brilliant. A friend of Biden, say Barack Obama, couldn't have done a better job of selling the President in 30 seconds. And for Biden's biggest enemy (or one of them) to unwittingly make the case for his reelection? Well, it's not a surprise that in 2 days, the ad has already been viewed more than 40 million times. With enemies like these, who needs friends? (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates