Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Both Parties Introduce Election Bills

Both parties (naturally) have a keen interest in voting, but their approaches to it are quite different. The Republicans' bill, the "American Confidence in Elections Act," was introduced last week. It would urge states to adopt photo ID laws, would override some voting laws in D.C. (which Congress controls), and would ban the federal government from using political donor rolls. It is opposed by a coalition of 45 groups that want to protect voting rights, including ACLU, NAACP, SEIU, Brennan Center for Justice, NEA, and Verified Voting, among others. They note that the bill is not about confidence, but about voter suppression in many forms. Just as one example, Joe Biden has issued an executive order directing federal agencies to help people register to vote. This means that when potential voters have contact with various agencies, they will be encouraged to register and given help to do so. The Republicans' bill would cancel the XO.

Now the Democrats have introduced their bill, the "Freedom to Vote Act." It would expand voting access, reduce the influence of dark money, end gerrymandering, and safeguard the electoral process. Among other things, the bill:

If you are thinking, this sounds a lot like the old H.R. 1, you are right. It does. H.R. 1 passed the House in 2017, but was killed in the Senate. Democrats also plan to reintroduce H.R. 4 soon as well. It would patch up what is left of the Voting Rights Act after the Supreme Court took an ax to it.

The Democratic and Republican bills are almost diametrically opposed. There is no chance anyone from either party will vote for the other party's bill, so both are dead on arrival. The only way for either bill to pass would be for one party to get the trifecta and then abolish the Senate filibuster. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates