Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Jack Smith Asks for More Time

Judge Aileen Cannon scheduled the Mar-a-Lago documents case for August 14, but no one expected it to happen then. What everyone was expecting was for the defense to ask for more time and get it. Consequently, it was a surprise when Special Counsel Jack Smith was the one to ask for the trial to be delayed. He wants it in December, so the defense attorneys have enough time to get the security clearances they will need in order to read the documents that their client absconded with. The defense attorneys did not oppose the delay, but come December they could ask for more time. Or Trump could fire them in November, hire new attorneys, and they could ask for 6 months to get security clearances. Rinse and repeat.

If the trial really happens in December, it will be before the Iowa caucuses, which will probably be in January. If Trump is found guilty, that could certainly affect how Republican voters see him. Consequently, he will almost certainly keep asking for delays, at least until after the July convention. Then he will claim that the trial should be postponed until after the election because he is an official nominee for president. Or maybe until after Inauguration Day. Or maybe until after his funeral. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates