Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Trump Lawyer Flips

It was bound to happen and it has happened. One of the lawyers who helped Donald Trump plot his coup attempt in Jan. 2021 has flipped and gone over to the other side. It is Lin Wood. The special grand jury that Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis empaneled recommended that Wood be indicted, but Willis ignored that recommendation. Now it is clear why: He will be a witness for the state of Georgia and will testify against the 19 indictees. He is the first Trump insider to flip, but almost certainly not the last.

As one of Trump's lawyers, Wood filed numerous meritless lawsuits trying to overturn the 2020 election. All of them failed. They all rested on nonsense theories about massive voter fraud, none of which he had any actual evidence for. The courts are funny like that. They are not much interested in theories about what could have happened. They want to know what did happen and are fairly picky about demanding evidence demonstrating what happened. If there was fraud, please show it. Wood couldn't of course, because there wasn't any.

Wood could be quite dangerous to Trump because in Georgia, Trump is charged with being part of a criminal enterprise in which multiple criminal acts were performed. Wood saw some of them (and was part of some of them). Wood is not the first person to flip, but the other one, Yuscil Taveras, an I.T. worker at Mar-a-Lago, is involved in the Florida case, not the Georgia one.

Once one insider goes over to the other side, that puts more pressure on the other ones, especially the 19 indictees in the Georgia RICO case. If you are the second or third person to switch sides, you will be welcomed with open arms and charges against you will usually be dropped. If you are the 14th, there is probably not much you can tell the prosecutors that they don't already know, so you aren't very useful and will be treated as such. It will be interesting to see who is next.

In case you haven't checked recently, fake elector Cathy Latham is trying to raise $300,000 for her defense. She has now raised $21,305. On the bright side, she has 2,700 prayers. But the fake electors are small potatoes. At best, they could testify against the person who recruited them, probably also a small fry. What Willis needs is for the medium fish among the Georgia 19 to switch sides, particularly, Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, or John Eastman. They all know a lot, none of them are rich, and their legal bills are mounting by the day. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates