Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Schadenfreude: It Burns, Oh How It Burns

We never expected to write an item about Kevin O'Leary, much less two of them in the span of a couple of weeks. However, the Shark Tank star (he also appears in the Canadian version of the show, Dragons' Den) has really been showing recently why his nickname "Mr. Wonderful" is meant ironically.

Donald Trump's legal woes, and in particular his conviction for fraud, have really put a bee in O'Leary's bonnet. In the previous item we wrote about him, we noted that it is his view that all real estate developers lie about their assets, and what's a little fraud between friends? This attitude caused O'Leary to be excoriated by, among others, Jon Stewart. It also caused "Mr. Wonderful" to lambaste the state and city of New York, and to promise he'll never do business there again. What a terrible loss for them.

Apparently, O'Leary is not satisfied that his wrath has been properly visited on the Big Apple, and has not completed his temper tantrum. So, he appeared on one of the right-wing media outlets this week to tear into Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). "I look at AOC, what an incredible, incredibly successful politician she is and what a horrific manager she is. Her jurisdiction looks like a third world country, and yet she's great at social media and making outrageous statements and getting $5 at a time on, you know, every way she can on social," he spat.

There are one, and possibly two, problems here. The obvious one is that O'Leary seems to have very little concept of how the U.S. government (or, really, any government) works. Needless to say, members of the federal legislature are never responsible for municipal management. Maybe if Ocasio-Cortez was mayor, he might have a point. The potential second problem is that, in focusing on a Latina congresswoman (out of all the members who represent New York), and on a district that is nearly 80% non-white (out of all the districts in New York City), O'Leary comes off as a teensy-weensy bit racist.

In any case, for the second time in as many weeks, O'Leary is being shredded to pieces on social media. Which, frankly, is good enough for him. If he's going to open his big mouth, and say stupid things, on the assumption that people really care what some guy from a game show thinks, then he deserves to reap what he sowed. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates