Dem 51
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GOP 49
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The Money Is Flowing Like Water

The Biden campaign has announced that it pulled in $90 million in March, compared to the $66 million that the Trump campaign raised in the same period. Joe Biden has raised $422 million since he started his campaign in April 2023. Biden now has $192 million in the bank, more than double the $93 million Donald Trump has. The Biden campaign said that 96% of its money came in small (under $200) donations. Fundraising is one of the bright spots for Biden, since his approval rating tends to hover around 40% and Trump has been leading in most national and swing-state polls.

However, an event Trump hosted at the home of a billionaire in Palm Beach, FL, on Saturday raised over $50 million. This is more than the three-presidents event in New York last month, which raised $26 million in one day, so Trump's April totals may beat Biden's. Trump is planning another big shindig on Wednesday in Atlanta.

It looks like these huge fundraisers are now back in style for both parties. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there weren't many such events. Now they are roaring back. Big donors love fancy events with celebrities and photo ops. Biden has the advantage of the availability of two former Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who can show up at events. Clinton is popular with boomers; Obama is popular with younger voters. The other living former Republican president, George W. Bush, hates Trump and won't help him.

Going forward, Biden has two advantages in terms of fundraising. First, Democratic small donors may not be worn out yet, whereas Republican ones are really getting tired of receiving eight fundraising e-mails a day, which they've been getting now for years and years. Second, all the money Biden raises goes to his campaign. With Trump, a substantial amount is going to pay his numerous lawyers. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates