Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Bye, "George"!

Former representative "George Santos," who was running a quixotic campaign to return to Congress as an independent (and from a different district than the one he used to represent), has decided that it's not going to work out. So, he dropped out yesterday.

What he was trying to accomplish, we cannot figure out. Is he really so delusional that he thought he could win as an independent? You know who the last independent to be elected to the House was? Bernie Sanders, in 1991. That's more than 30 years ago, and "Santos" is no Sanders. Maybe there was some scam angle that we're missing here. (Z) knew a guy who enrolled in, and then dropped out of, classes at the local community college for years and years because that put a pause on his student loan debts. Perhaps there is some tax or other financial advantage to being a "candidate," even for a short period of time. Does Neiman Marcus have a 20% discount on sweater vests for active candidates for Congress?

Anyhow, now that his campaign is at an end, along with his political career, presumably, "Santos" will have plenty of time to work on his criminal defense. At least, when he's not busy unlocking the secrets of cold fusion, curing cancer, and directing the next Spider-Man film. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates