Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Democrat Is Favored in Special Election in New York Tomorrow

Donald Payne's death last week cost the Democrats a crucial House seat. Tomorrow's special election in Buffalo could return it. This is the seat vacated by Democrat Brian Higgins, who resigned from Congress in February.

In New York State, there are no primaries for special elections. Each party picks its own candidate. Democrats chose state Sen. Tim Kennedy, who represents Buffalo. Republicans picked Gary Dickson, a town supervisor from West Seneca.

Since Higgins resigned, the state legislature redrew the district map. However, the special election will use the 2022 map, the one that gave Higgins his win, not the new map. Whoever wins will serve until Jan. 3, 2025. However, both candidates are expected to run in the regular election as well. The district, NY-26, is D+9, which favors Kennedy.

If Kennedy wins, the House would be 213D, 218R. However, in June there are special elections for three vacant seats previously held by Republicans. That could change the House to 213D, 221R, which would give Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) more breathing space. If he's still speaker by then, that is. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates