Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Sits for an Interview with Seth Meyers

Joe Biden did not sit for a Super Bowl interview, but he did stop by Late Night with Seth Meyers last night for a sit-down that lasted roughly 15 minutes.

We would like to be able to share the video, but the show has not posted it to YouTube, to or to social media yet. However, we were able to watch it during the regular broadcast of the show. Biden participated in a couple of comedic bits, including a visit to a local ice cream parlor with the host (the President had mint chip, Meyers had honeycomb). Biden's answers to the various questions put before him were on point, and his comic timing was also pretty sharp.

Obviously, this isn't quite the same as a Super Bowl interview, since the Super Bowl interview would have been roughly twice as long, and would have been a hard news interview with someone like Lester Holt, as opposed to an interview with an entertainer like Meyers. That said, the host did not limit himself only to softballs, and asked questions about Biden's age, about Donald Trump and about Israel. And the President took the opportunity to make a little news, announcing that he expects a ceasefire to be agreed to next week.

There are a couple of reasons Biden accepted this interview. First, he was in New York anyhow for a fundraiser. Second, last night was a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the show, and Biden was the very first guest on the very first episode. That, in fact, was one of the bits. Comedian and actor Amy Poehler was also on the first show, and was also on last night, and when Meyers lamented that he couldn't get Biden for the anniversary show, Poehler said she could pull it off, and brought Biden out.

Will this put a stop to talk that Biden is afraid to go before the cameras? Probably not, but we mention the interview, just in case. (Z)

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