Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Wyoming's County Caucuses Start Saturday

Within broad guidelines, state parties are pretty much free to propose any scheme they want for selecting delegates to the national conventions. Then the DNC or RNC approves or rejects each plan. Many states just have a primary, but some have a more complex scheme. On Tuesday, Michigan had a statewide vote to allocate 16 of its delegates; on Saturday there will be a state convention to choose 39 more delegates.

Wyoming has an even more complicated scheme. The Cowboy State is interesting because it was Donald Trump's best state in 2020. His margin of victory was 43.4% there, better than second-place West Virginia (margin of 38.9%) and much better than third-place North Dakota (margin of 33.3%). Trump got fully 69.94% of the total vote in Wyoming in 2020, just 177 votes shy of a full 70%. So it is an interesting question of how well Nikki Haley will do in a state full of Trumpy cowboys (and cowgirls), especially since Wyoming is a closed state (i.e., only registered Republicans may take part in the process). Consequently, there will not be any Democrats engaging in ratf*cking to muddy the waters. The Haley vote there could give an indication of how many Trumpists really have misgivings about Trump and who might potentially be open to voting for a third-party candidate (or even Joe Biden).

Like Iowa, and unlike Nevada and Michigan, there is no statewide vote, not even among registered Republicans, so there are no statewide vote totals or tables or charts. As a result, interpreting the results may not be so easy. Here's how it works: There have been precinct caucuses ongoing, on different days, since Feb. 2. Any registered Republican resident of Wyoming who will be 18 or older on Nov. 5, 2024, could attend. At these caucuses, individuals were elected to go to the county conventions to represent their precincts. Each of the 23 Wyoming counties will elect one delegate to the Republican National Convention. At the county conventions, the candidates will be discussed and the lone representative to the Convention will be elected. It is likely to be a Trumper in every county, but the number of Haley votes could be interesting (if the county results are published).

Like the precinct caucuses, the county caucuses are not all on the same day. Out in Cowboyland, nobody in tarnation is going to tell each county what to do, dadgummit. On Saturday, the process will start, with Campbell County (Gillette area up to the Montana state line) and Carbon County (Rawlins to Medicine Bow and down to the Colorado state line) going first. Other counties will follow over the next 2 weeks. The county conventions will elect representatives to the state convention, April 18-20, where the final six delegates to the national convention will be elected. Thus, the process is far from over, but hopefully we will eventually get a take on what happened. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates