Dem 51
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GOP 49
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...And So Does Ronna Romney McDaniel, Apparently

RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel has had a pretty lousy tenure, with three straight "bad" elections for the Party. Consequently, as she runs for reelection to the post, she's vulnerable to a challenger, if a viable one should present themselves. We don't believe the MyPillow guy is that person; if he's the best the opposition comes up with, then McDaniel should be safe. However, it now looks like she's going to draw a more serious challenger in the person of RNC committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon. Reportedly, an announcement is imminent.

Dhillon has a few things going for her that Mike Lindell does not. She's a woman, first of all, and as we've written, we believe that there are some RNC members who think that makes the party more marketable to those all-important suburban women. She has experience in party leadership, whereas Lindell does not. She's also not a half-step away from being sent to a place with padded walls and no sharp instruments in the cafeteria.

That said, while Dhillon is slightly more sane than Lindell, she's not that much more sane. Not only is she very close with Donald Trump, having represented him in court, she's also a "stop the steal" believer who has questioned the 2020 election results. Dhillon also embraces conspiratorial thinking, and helped propagate more than one nutty theory related to the "truth" about the attack on Paul Pelosi.

McDaniel has done the high-wire act for the last 6 years, managing to keep the Trump faction of the Party basically happy and the non-Trump faction basically happy. It is improbable the Dhillon would be capable of doing the same, or that she would want to. No, she'd be all in on the MAGA stuff and on Trump. We operate on the twin assumptions that: (1) the members of the RNC care about winning elections, and (2) the members of the RNC recognize that hugging Trump closer is not the way to do that. So, we assume they will not be interested in what Dhillon is selling. However, when only 168 people are voting, and they are pretty well ensconced in a red bubble, you just never know. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates