Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A Slam Dunk for Biden?

One wonders what George Washington would think if you could bring him back to life and tell him that, one day in December of 2022, the biggest story in the land would be about a Black lesbian basketball player who was traded to the Russians for an arms merchant. Once you explained to him what basketball is, and possibly what a lesbian is, our guess is he'd be pretty surprised.

In any event, that was indeed the big news of the day yesterday. After many months of negotiations, the Biden administration has secured the return of Brittney Griner, the professional basketball player who was arrested, tried and convicted on possession charges after being found to have a small amount of hash oil in her luggage. The price for this was giving arms dealer Viktor Bout, known as the "Merchant of Death," back to the Russians.

The political benefits for the Biden administration are pretty clear here. He was getting hammered for letting Griner rot in a Russian prison, especially by groups representing Black women voters, and especially since the charges against her were pretty clearly trumped up (no pun intended) in order to give Vladimir Putin a bargaining chip. Now, the hammering can end, and the President got himself a nice photo-op:

Moments ago I spoke to Brittney Griner.

She is safe.
She is on a plane.
She is on her way home.

— President Biden (@POTUS) December 8, 2022

Who is the woman in the pictures? That's former U.S. senator Kamala Harris, who is now the vice president. Oh, wait. You're probably wondering about the other woman. If so, that's Cherelle Griner, Brittney's wife.

So, Biden gets a "win." That said, it's not an unqualified win by any means. There are also many potential angles for criticism here. Among them:

In the short term, this is going to be a big story, at least through the weekend. In the long term, we're not so sure. For the Democrats, it's not really something they can run on in 2024. And for the Republicans, and in particular their media allies, the story doesn't fit their particular needs when it comes to ongoing outrage. They prefer things that are clear and simple, even if those things have to be made up out of whole cloth. The Griner situation is complicated, and there are many shades of gray. Further, most of the things that really have legs when it comes to the Carlsons and Sean Hannitys of the world have a conspiratorial angle. There generally has to be at least a hint of shadowy forces operating behind the scenes. We don't see that here. So, our guess is that Fox, et al. will have dropped it by this time next week. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates