Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Freudenfreude: Tooling around Chicago

It is quite common for Republicans to take cheap shots at California. And when it's not California, it's New York. And when it's not New York, it's Illinois. And by "Illinois," we really mean "Chicago." In particular, much hay is made of the notion that Chicago is crime-ridden and dangerous, and has a murder rate that is out of control.

In truth, that's dog-whistle code for "Chicago has a lot of Black people." Like many large cities, Chicago does have a troubling murder rate, with 28.6 per 100,000 people per year. However, that places it just 28th among American cities. In first place is actually St. Louis, with 88.1 murders per 100,000 people per year. But Missouri is a red state, so it just doesn't work well for the right-wing narrative.

Because Chicago gets crapped on so much, we thought we'd pass along a story that very much cuts the other way. You see, several public-minded citizens have organized a library in the city. It's got the standard library stuff, like library cards and librarians. You can call and get answers to relevant question. The library also offers classes taught by volunteer teachers, as many libraries do.

So, what is newsworthy about this? Well, the library in question here is the Chicago Tool Library. It accepts donations of tools from citizens, from hammers to carpet cleaners to wood chippers, and then loans them out, just like regular libraries loan out books. Not only does this promote community spirit in general, but it's also allowed people to fix or improve their residence who might not otherwise be able to do so, and it's allowed some patrons to acquire some marketable skills and to get back on their feet after the pandemic.

The reason that the library is in the news right now is that it's closed down. But that's not bad news; the reason it's closed down is that it is so popular and successful, it has outgrown its current location in Bridgeport. So, it is moving to a space in East Garfield Park that is five times larger. When it reopens, it will have more than 15,000 tools available for borrowing. There are a few other tool libraries in the country, but this one has become the most successful, and its two directors are now advising interested parties in how to form their own version. Sweet Home, Chicago, indeed.

Have a great weekend! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates