Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part VII: Oh Ye, of Little Faith

We're going to take our cue from the first item above, which means today's verse has a much more serious tone. Let's start with a piece entitled "Conman's Sonnet" from L.M. in Tampa, FL:

They still believe in the golden god,
who cheats at home,
who cheats abroad,
who will not call the righteous friends,
and flatters vicious enemies,
and pursues only greedy ends,
and will betray the very ones
that offer troth.
When the edifice of falseness falls,
who will the godling blame
to save his skin, to clear his name?
Here's another query:
Is he malicious? or merely mercenary?
Both, I think. I think it's both.

L.M. adds: "By the way, I think the answer to the 'who' question above is getting clearer, given the news about Kanye and Fuentes and the Constitution: eventually it will be everyone, but before that it will be Jews."

And then there is this, from P.J. in Simsbury, CT

Trumpty Dumpty wanted a wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All of the MAGA women and men
Couldn't put Trumpty together again.

"Make me your leader," old Trumpty implored.
"I promise you this—you'll never be bored!"
The Capitol rioters most surely agreed
That Trumpty is all you ever would need.

Trumpty Dumpty said, "Ban all the Muslims,
The Mexicans, too—all of those hoodlums.
We want a country that is pure and all white.
All of those foreigners are hugely a blight."

She's just not my type if she's less than an eight.
Grabbing her pu**y just wouldn't be great.
Those loser accusers are all telling lies...
It's locker room banter with one of the guys!

I love all my Trumpers, especially Nick.
Herschel and Kanye I also would pick
To be my close friend or maybe VP.
I really don't know—I'll just wait and see.

That Nancy, she really would not settle down,
And Dick should tell Liz not to act like a clown!
What's Kellyanne doing to talk to that crew?
They all should just love me, not call it a coup!

We don't know if critical verse helps anymore than naming the 2022 Antisemite of the Year, but it can't hurt. And we continue to welcome submissions, of course. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates