Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part IX: Men (and Women) of Steal

Let's take the theme that runs through most of today's posting and carry it through to the end. Leading off is B.T. in Bogalusa, LA:

There is a sore loser by the name of Kari Lake
Whose outrage, demands and accusations are all fake
She'll try anything to claim that seat
But clearly and fairly was beat
Concede now, Kari, for God's sake!

And here's a rather inspired effort from J.L. in Walnut Creek, CA:

Once upon a 1/6, eerie, while I watched the TV, cheery,
Happy to see the vote be certified on the Congress floor.
Suddenly arose a riot, rowdy, angry and unquiet,
Of those false patriots who claim to speak for the people whom they themselves abhor.
"'Tis some small group," I muttered, "who has fallen prey to lies.
Only this and nothing more."

As the GOP objected, to each vote Congress collected,
Right-wing members falsely said that votes were fraudulent by the score.
As each objection fell by the wayside, it was clear the GOP lied,
And democracy seemed to proceed as it had each election theretofore.
"The vote" I thought, "will be certified as it ever has before,"
But then the mob assailed the door.

Those in Congress now did flee, even those who did agree,
With the would-be Tsar who sought to rule from shore to shore.
They left the Capitol police to attempt to restore peace,
And keep the quisling mob from gaining entry through the door.
But undermanned, not supported and resisting violence galore?
The turncoats reached the Congress floor.

The offices they did ransack, people died in the attack,
While the Tsar cheered for renegades whom the rest of us deplore.
Eventually order was restored, the Capitol emptied of the horde,
And it seemed the country was not the same as it was before.
Would the right at least stop acting as he Tsar's pied piper troubadours?
And join instead democracy's guarantors?

First they gave such friendly speeches, appearing to repair the breaches,
And indicating a return to the amiable cordiality of lore.
All of them had been shaken and they seemed to be awakened,
To the threats that day unleashed upon the legislative corps.
"Surely," I thought, "the obstructionism of today is now done for."
But they then objected to the vote some more.

"Pharisees!" said I. "Party of evil! Hypocrites who seek upheaval!
You power-hungry sycophants from the age of dinosaurs!
Your electoral count disruption betrays your very souls' corruption!
And yet still you break your faith to the oaths on which you swore!
I implore you now to humbly uphold the oaths on which you swore!"
Quoth the right-wing "Nevermore."

And the traitors, ever unfit, still do sit, still do sit,
In the very hallowed chambers which house our democracy of yore.
They sell snake oil to the dim: Kevin, Mitch, Marj, Ted, and Jim,
And all the rest—each of them completely rotten to their core.
Can there ever be redemption despite their antics on the Congress floor?
Quoth Sicknick's ghost: "Nevermore."

It is our understanding that this references a famous poem by some famous writer, but we're at a loss as to which Poe-m that might be. We'd ask the staff poet, but she took the road less traveled... and got lost. That means there's plenty of room for submissions from people who aren't the staff poet. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates