Dem 51
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GOP 49
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The Beginning of the Bloodbath?

One of the main political legacies of Donald Trump is the absolute gutting of Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment of Republican Politics: "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican." There are tensions in the Democratic coalition, of course—Hillary vs. Bernie, and all that—but they are nothing like the tensions in the Republican coalition. Many Republican members of Congress, particularly in the House, not only loathe Democrats, they loathe any Republicans they deem to be insufficiently committed to "The Cause" (whatever "The Cause" might be). Indeed, sometimes it seems that some Republicans hate their fellow Republicans even more than they hate the Democrats.

This is not a great recipe for governance, and yesterday—weeks before the Republicans actually gain power in the House—multiple sets of tensions boiled to the surface. To wit:

Maybe what we are seeing right now is a giant game of musical chairs, and once everyone on the Republican side has figured out what seat they will be occupying, this will all calm down. We are inclined to doubt it, however. The House Republican Conference could barely hold itself together when it was in the minority, and had no real power. Now, they're going to be running the show, with actual influence over the national agenda. Our guess is that yesterday was just a preview, and that the red team is going to spend the next 2 years eating itself alive. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates