Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part XIV: Rebel without a Clue

Reader J.D.M. in Cottonwood Shores, TX brings to our attention the fact that The Hill is now running holiday-themed political poetry. Hm. Wonder where they might have gotten that idea from?

In any case, let's do some insurrection-related pieces. To start, a pair of haikus from E.B. in Seattle, WA:

Dear Leader suffer'd
From electile dysfunction
"A steal!" said his id

He tweeted "Be wild!"
"Hang Pence!' Then insurrection
Orange jumpsuits await

And a limerick from S.B. in Natick, MA:

So the Hearing has reached its conclusion,
(The insurrection one, not the collusion)
To no one's surprise,
They said, "Lock up those guys."
In other news, now we've got fusion.

Another, from K.J.O. in Brookdale, NJ:

To democracy he brought insurrection
His crimes did not escape our detection
The jury will see
His future will be
In an orange suit to match his complexion

And finally, a song parody from G.W. in London, England, UK:

Constantly lying about stolen elections
Whilst a blind eye is turned to fascist insurrections
Voter restrictions and gerrymand'rings
These are a few of the GOP's favorite things

Denying trans rights (because ladies are ladies)
Then forcing women to keep rapists' babies
Thoughts and prayers offered after shootings
These are a few of the GOP's favorite things.

Dog-whistle politics, dinners with racists
QAnon nonsense for folks at their basest
D.C. pizza parlors and paedophile rings
These are a few of the GOP's favorite things

When reality bites
When the truth stings
When the facts look bad
I simply believe what they say on Fox News
And I then I don't feel so sad.

We foresee more song parodies tomorrow. Here is the address if you are so inclined. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates