Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Trump Tax Returns to Be Released Friday

Are you an amateur forensic accountant? Or a professional, for that matter? One with absolutely nothing to do this weekend? If so, then Christmas has come... well, a few days late for you. That is because the House Ways and Means Committee will release Donald Trump's tax returns on Friday morning, as part of the official record of the Committee's proceedings.

The Committee had to take some time to redact those portions of the returns that cannot be made public. And since Donald Trump owns hundreds of businesses, and since he moves money around like he's playing three-card monte, so as to avoid taxes and to keep his debts serviced, the returns are thousands and thousands of pages. Undoubtedly, some poor sap or saps working for The New York Times will be canceling their New Year's plans and will be stocking up on coffee and No-Doz today, so they can be ready to run something on the front page by Monday.

There has been no smoking gun thus far, in the sense of something that is so problematic on its surface as to be devastating for the former president. We don't think that will change once the full set of documents is made public. However, as we noted, even the summary already released by the Committee is full of red flags. Presumably, within the next week or so, enough red flags will have been discovered to supply next year's May Day parade in Havana. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates