Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part XV: My Gift Is My Song, Part I

As promised, it's time for song parodies. Our apologies to today's contributors; J.L. in Walnut Creek is a hard act to follow.

Batting leadoff is L.T.G. in Bexley, OH, with this take on "The Battle Hymn of the Republic":

Mine eyes have seen the horror of the portly orange Lord
Who consorts with anti-Semites, who must strike a welcome chord
And he jumps at every opportunity to swell his hoard
As the grift keeps marching on!

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Trump will always stick it to ya
As the grift keeps marching on!

Then Jared knows investing like a platypus knows Greek,
But the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, through a canny Saudi sheik
Gave Kushner's firm two billion bucks—the reason's not oblique
As the grift keeps marching on!

Donald lost the last election, but he couldn't bear the thought
So he gathered his supporters, who stormed Congress on the spot
By the barest, slightest margin we escaped a coup-d'-etat
So the grift could march right on!

In the last mid-term election, Donald hardly ever spent
Any bucks to help his candidates, but e-mail he sent;
From every donation, he kept ninety-nine percent
And the grift keeps marching on!

The latest scam from Donald is to market NFTs
They're cheesy and unlicensed, but the gullible did seize
The chance to buy an image of the traitorous, lying sleaze
And the grift keeps marching on!

M.W. in Richmond, VA, sent in this, inspired by "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain":

They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.
Airing only their reactionary views.
They keep ranting 'bout the trauma
They still feel about Obama.
They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.

They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.
They do not inform; they only just confuse.
Watch Jean Pirro and Sean Hannity
And you'll quickly lose your sanity.
They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.

They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.
Cause a right-wing slant is all they ever use.
Opposition's automatic
To whatever's Democratic.
They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.

They keep showing propaganda on FOX News.
So let's exercise the right we have to choose.
There is really just one answer.
It's to boycott all their sponsors,
'til there's no more propaganda on FOX News.

And there was zero chance we were going to let this pass without at least one take on a Beatles song, such as this one from C.W. and B.L. in Silicon Valley, CA, based on "Back in the U.S.S.R."

Scammed his way to presidency GOP,
Never let us sleep that night,
All the way a burger wrapper on his knee,
Man oh what a dreadful sight

Go back to the U.S.S.R.
You know how unlucky we are, boy
Back to the U.S.S.R.

Ever since the vote I hardly know the place,
Gee I wish he'd go back home.
Leave it to Pelosi to wrap up Her case,
Twitter disconnect his phone,

Go back to the U.S.S.R.
You know how unlucky we are, boy
Back to the U.S., Hacking the U.S., Back to the U.S.S.R.

Well the Ukraine schemes really knocked me out,
Yovanavich left behind.
And Moscow Mitch makes me scream and shout,
And Stormy's on mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mind

Oh, shut down all your bogus rallies way down south,
Take them out to Putin's farm,
Let me see your Twitter handle signing out,
Go and keep your Comrade warm,

Go back to the U.S.S.R.
You know how unlucky we are, boy
Back to the U.S., Hacking the U.S., Back to the U.S.S.R.

We'll do song parodies at least once more. And we'd be pleased to receive one (or two) that target Democrats. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates