Dem 51
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Ties 1
GOP 48
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Yet Again, Oz Reminds Everyone He's a Carpetbagger

This would be a candidate for "This Week in Schadenfreude," but it's just too funny to wait that long. Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D-PA) sometimes misspeaks because he had a stroke. His Republican opponent, Mehmet Oz, sometimes misspeaks because... um, we don't know why. We presume he delivered his fair share of lectures and demonstrations while he was a med school professor. And obviously, he hosted over 2,000 episodes of his eponymous TV show. And yet, he has a real gift for opening his mouth and inserting his foot.

Yesterday, the not-so-good doctor was at it again. He appeared on Hannity to kiss the ring, and decided to indulge in a harangue about the lack of Republican senators in the eastern U.S.:

Pennsylvania is too important. This is important, we do not have a Republican senator north of North Carolina on the Atlantic coast until you get to Maine if I don't hold this seat. And there has been a Republican senator in Pennsylvania most of my life. I'm gonna keep one here as well.

Do you see the problem? Truth be told, we wouldn't have caught it, because it's really only evident to people who live in Pennsylvania. The issue is that Pennsylvania isn't on the Atlantic coast. It's not even especially close. At its closest point (eastern Philadelphia), it's about 60 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.

If you did decide to make that Philly-to-the-beach trip, you would be traveling through... New Jersey, which most certainly does have an Atlantic coast. Wonder how Oz got confused? Hmmmm... (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     All Senate races