Dem 50
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Ties 1
GOP 49
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Lake Prepares Her Sore Loser Act

Kari Lake (R) is a Trumper, through and through. And although she's been declared the loser of the Arizona gubernatorial race, she's decided that she isn't going down without a fight. Yesterday, she announced she is building a legal team and is "collecting evidence and data" related to the election. Already, even before her loss was official, Lake asserted that the election results were phony and that there had been vast amounts of corruption.

So, what is Lake's game here? Maybe she's going through the stages of grief after her loss, and she's currently on denial. Or maybe she realizes this was her very best (and probably only) shot at the governor's mansion, and the might as well go on wild goose chases. However, our guess is that she still sees herself as a potential running mate for Donald Trump. She may even have insider information in support of that. Certainly, the former president appears to be committed to choosing a female running mate. Fighting back against a "stolen" election, and then spending the next 2 years going on Fox to complain about it afterward, is an excellent way for Lake to put herself in the catbird seat. None of the other contenders—Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD), Nikki Haley, etc.—have a "stop the steal" legal fight on their résumés.

So, our guess here is that you haven't heard the last of Kari Lake. Unfortunately. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates