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Arizona AG Kris Mayes Is Investigating the 11 Fake Trump Electors

The 11 fake Arizona Trump electors in 2020 were extremely brazen about what they did, carefully documenting their crime. They called it "The Signing," the moment when they fraudulently signed the document purporting to be the valid presidential electors. They even broadcast it.

Arizona AG Kris Mayes (D) has a different name for it. She thinks of it as "The Evidence" and is going after them. They are in deep trouble, in no small part because they left behind a huge trail of proof of their illegal activities. For example, they were all over social media bragging about their fraud. With Mayes now actively going after them, they are likely to regret their actions fairly soon.

In Georgia and Michigan, fake electors have already been charged with crimes. So naturally, Mayes is in contact with the prosecuting officials there—Fulton County DA Fani Willis in Georgia and AG Dana Nessel in Michigan. They can probably give her some tips, especially since she is new to the job, taking office only in January 2023. On the other hand, the fake electors in the other states didn't run a major PR campaign publicizing their crime, as the ones in Arizona did, so Mayes may have it much easier collecting evidence. Anthony Kreis, an expert on constitutional law at Georgia State University, said: "There is no difficulty trying to piece together their unlawful, corrupt intent because they publicly documented their stream of consciousness bread trail for prosecutors to follow."

All 11 fake electors took part in multiple failed legal challenges. They asked a judge to invalidate the official results, and when that didn't work, tried to force Mike Pence to throw the election to Donald Trump. Probably the most vocal of the bunch were the chair of the Arizona Republican Party, Kelli Ward, and her husband, Michael Ward. They left a trail for Mayes to pick up and run with and she seems to be interested in doing just that. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates