It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas, Day 3: Gifts for Joe Biden
We did not have time to put this together yesterday; we'll have a dual Christmas for J.D. Vance and Mike Johnson
tomorrow to finish the week. For now, however, a half-dozen Christmas presents for Joe Biden:
- D.K. in Chicago, IL: I think you can still get "Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific" shampoo
online somewhere:
- E.W. in Skaneateles, NY: A time machine so 2016 Joe Biden can beat Trump instead of Hillary and we'd never have entered
the Darkest Timeline.
Of course, he might just use it to undo his son Beau's death from brain cancer or maybe even prevent the tragic car
crash deaths of his first wife and infant daughter. Man... that guy had it rough.
- M.C. in Newton, MA: The credit he deserves, at least from his own party. Let's also throw
in a lifetime supply of ice cream cones.
- K.B. in Edgewater, NJ:
- T.C. in Danby, NY: 19th-century German artist's impression of Juan Ponce de León and his explorers
drinking from a spring in Florida while supposedly seeking the Fountain of Youth:
- R.R. in Pasadena, CA: A quiet retirement after a job well done, and the knowledge that
history will view him as the last great politician of the post-World War II cycle of American history.
If you have suggestions for Vance or Johnson,
there's still time.
Also, if you have ideas for what we should do with this space next week,
let us know.
We have something planned, but it's entirely possible we'll like a reader's idea better. (Z)
This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news,
Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.
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