Dem 47
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GOP 53
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Patel Is an Antivaxxer

Monday we had a long item on Kash Patel—you know, all the stuff about how his total lack of knowledge about the FBI he would lead if confirmed and how he will mercilessly go after Trump's enemies. Turns out there is more. Seems there is always more. Yesterday it came out that he is an antivaxxer and a grifter. We should have guessed. Sorry. We apologize.

On posts to Donald Trump's boutique social media site, he hawked "supplements" that help people "detox" from the COVID vaccine. In one post, he wrote: "Mrna detox, reverse the vaxx n get healthy." In another, he wrote: "Spike the Vax, order this homerun kit to rid your body of the harms of the vax." (V) objects to this insult to the VAX, a much-beloved early 32-bit minicomputer.

Unlike the VAX, which was very good at what it did, there is zero evidence that the snake oil Patel was pitching does any good at all. His company, Warrior Essentials, claims the product removes toxins from cells, restores circulatory health, and restores DNA stability. After all, who would want to walk around with unstable DNA? It couldn't be more bogus if he tried. Besides, there are no supplements that have been found to reduce the vaccine's (generally mild) side effects.

The one thing that worries us is this (well, OK, there is more than one thing, but we went through that on Monday): Who's the target audience here? The kind of marks who might give their hard-earned cash to Kash probably refused the vaccine in the first place. People who took the vaccine are probably not looking to undo its effects. We don't see the market here, but who are we to argue with someone whose first name means "money"? (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates