Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Lays Out Ceasefire Plan for Israel

We have several items today based on news that is a few days old. That is because we were working on Friday's post when the Trump verdicts came in and, of course, we pushed everything aside in order to give our full attention to that story. This is one of those items.

Anyhow, the border may, on the whole, be a bigger problem for the Biden administration than Israel is. However, Israel is a problem, too, primarily because there are an increasing number of voters who would generally vote a Democratic ticket, but who are threatening to defect over this particular issue. And so, on Friday of last week, the President unveiled a proposal for the cessation of hostilities in Gaza.

Declaring that Hamas no longer has the capacity to inflict another attack like the one from October 7 of last year, Biden said his plan has three phases. The first is Israeli withdrawal from the populated areas of Gaza, along with the release of some Palestinian prisoners and some hostages held by Hamas (essentially, women and children). The second is the exchange of all remaining prisoners and hostages not covered by the first phase (essentially, men). The third is the commencement of "a major reconstruction plan for Gaza."

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu already pooh-poohed the plan. He has also accepted an invitation from party leaders in Congress to address a joint session of that body sometime between now and the end of August. This does not sound like someone who is planning to stand down anytime soon.

That said, Netanyahu really isn't the audience for Biden's proposals anymore. The President specifically addressed himself to the people of Israel when he unveiled the latest plan, declaring: "I need your help. Everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices and let the leaders know they should take this deal. Work to make it real, make it lasting, and forge a better future out of the tragic terror attack and war." He also dispatched Secretary of State Antony Blinken to run down the proposal with the leaders of various allied nations. And, of course, Biden is also trying to persuade the American people that he's doing everything he can as he wrestles with "one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world."

So, that's three audiences: the Israeli people, U.S. allies, and the American public. Will any of these audiences buy what Biden is selling? We'll know in a few weeks, presumably. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates