Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Is Trying to Attract Latino Men on Abortion

While abortion is sometimes seen as a "women's issue," it is also important to many young men, especially if they have recently gotten a woman pregnant, or if they might do so in the future. Also, some men have daughters for whom an abortion might be needed in the future. Joe Biden understands this, and also understands that he is bleeding support among Latino men. So he is now trying to shore up support with Latino men by advertising in English and Spanish about abortion. The ad will run in the battleground states especially on Spanish-language media. Here it is:

The ad features a Latino named Cesar Carreon, a Marine Corps veteran who is a carpenter working in Las Vegas. In it, he says: "I'm a Marine. I know what tough is. And a guy like Donald Trump—that attacks women and brags about it—that's not tough. I'm with Joe Biden because he'll give my daughters their freedom back." We shall see if the ad lands as expected, though it is worth remembering that Biden's campaign manager is a Latina, and so probably has a pretty good sense of how to connect with the Latino/a community. (V)

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