Dem 47
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GOP 53
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Reader Question of the Week: Name That Dune

Here is the question we put before readers last week:

B.B. in Dothan, AL, asks: Now that we have the Gulf of America, what other geographic features around the country, or the world, should be renamed?

And here some of the answers we got in response:

J.M. in Eagle Mills, NY: Why should The Mountain Formerly Known As Denali be named after William McKinley? Mount TRUMP!

B.J.L. in Ann Arbor, MI: The Gordie Howe Bridge across the Detroit River isn't even operational yet, but it will need a new name as we cant name it after a Canadian. I suggest the "John Barron Bridge," which this president will surely advocate for.

G.S. in Basingstoke, England, UK: Within 24 hours of TCF making his Gulf of America announcement, the following meme was doing the rounds in the U.K., with the caption "apparently you can just rename sh** these days":

The map shows the North Sea as the Gulf of Yorkshire

S.T. in Asbury Park, NJ: Well, if I was the President of Mexico, renaming the Gulf of California would be high on my list.

B.C. in Phoenix, AZ: Since we're gonna own it here shortly, thanks to King Donny of Orange's desires to restart Amerika's colonization process, and since we need to get out ahead of the "Honoring A**holes By Naming Sh** After Them When They Die" process (see Military Forts, Confederate Generals), we gotta rename the Panama Canal to the "Trump Colonal Passage" (Note: no misspelling).

K.M. in Ypsilanti, MI: How about we change United States to "Baja Canada"?

R.P. in Brooklyn. NY: I propose that Donald Trump declare all famous towers in the world as a variation on Trump Tower. So the Eiffel Tower would be "Trump Tower Paris," the CN Tower would be "Trump's 51st State Tower," the Leaning Tower of Pisa would be "Trump's Most Straight Tower," Big Ben would be "Big Time Trump Tower," etc.

I.S. in Durango, Colored Red: Considering that the White House has taken down the Spanish language version of its website, I think it's clear that the administration's next renaming move will be to change the designation of certain U.S. states to their proper English names of "Colored Red," "Flowery," and "Snowy."

S.K. in Ardmore, PA: Trump will have the state of New Mexico change its name to New Texas.

Also, appreciating that Mexico has a state named (sort of) after one of ours—California—he will strongly and bigly encourage the country to rename the rest of their states after U.S. ones. So Michoacan will become "Michogan," Nuevo Leon will become "New Louisiana," and Oaxaca will be "Iowaca." They'll have "Chihuashington," "Queretucky," "Morelandos," "Tabaska," etc.

D.D. in Carversville, PA: As the Cleveland Guardians and Washington Commanders were forced to change their names, it's obvious that the state of Indiana should be rebranded either "Mellencampsite" or "Lettermania." (Actually, Lettermania is a contender if you ever need to rebrand your Sunday Mailbag.)

T.H. in West Deptford, NJ: Everyone who has rudimentary knowledge of world geography knows that Greenland is very icy and Iceland relatively green. Let's make the switch now, since it must be in the back of the golf-course-mogul President's mind that a large, green island would be perfect for a huge golf club.

D.C. in Portland, OR: Gaza coastline: "Costa Kushner."

R.S. in New York, NY: There is a residential complex in Brooklyn, NY, located between Coney Island and Brighton Beach, that was built by the current president's father. The inhabitants of that complex should be referred to (if not so referenced already) as the "Trump Village People."

N.C. in Mountain View, CA: Henceforth, the Romanian region formerly called Transylvania will be referred to as "Mansylvania."

Queens, NY, becomes "East Manhattan" (so somebody can now say he grew up in Manhattan).

Gaylordsville, CT, becomes "Lordsville." (Don't say Gay!)

The Russian River (in California) becomes "Putin River."

Ukraine becomes West Russia; Poland becomes "East Kaliningrad."

M.A.H. in Warren, MI: To those of us who live in the region, the Great Lakes are obvious candidates for renaming.

Lake Ontario should be renamed "Lake New York."

Lake Erie should be renamed "Lake Ohio."

Lake Huron should be renamed "Lake Detroit" (there's already a Lake Michigan).

Lake Superior should be renamed "Lake Minneconsin" after Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Of course, Lake Michigan needn't be renamed.

E.P. in Tillson, NY: Mount Rushmore will now be called "Your Favorite Presidents #2 through #5."

C.R. in St. Louis, MO: Florida should be renamed "Phallica" or "Flaccida." Or maybe "Falicca" so the ph doesn't confuse them. You could combine them into "Flaccida Phallica," but it might sound like a subspecies of bitter orange men with small hands that inhabit that state.

H.B. in State College, PA: Rename Donald J. Trump State Park in New York to "Convicted Felon State Park."

Here is the question for next week:

J.S. in Germantown. OH, asks: If you could hang a flag from any source (i.e., TV, movies, history) as a subtle sign of resistance to the Trump administration, what would it be and why?

Submit your answers to, preferably with subject line "Rally 'round the Flag"!

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates