Dem 47
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GOP 53
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The Score: Trump 25 Million, Meta 0

Donald Trump was furious when Mark Zuckerberg suspended Trump's Facebook account on account of all the lies he was telling. So Trump did what was natural to him: He sued Facebook (now Meta). Yesterday, Zuckerberg decided that becoming Trump's toady would be good for the company, so he ponied up $25 million to make the case go away. Trump accepted the bribe, no, settlement. Wait, Trump is in the hospitality business, so call it a gratuity.

Supposedly, $22 million will go to Trump's presidential library and the rest will go to pay legal fees and to other plaintiffs. Zuckerberg is hardly the first billionaire to kowtow to Trump. It is all the rage these days. Jeff Bezos and others went before him in various forms. ABC News also gave Trump $15 million in the hope he won't ruin the company. That is theoretically supposed to go to his library, too, but we'll believe it when we see it. After all, how much can you really spend on coloring books?

Oh, and Facebook also got rid of its fact-checking department, so if Trump wants to lie his head off on Facebook now, Zuckerberg won't lift a finger to get in his way. (V)

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